Lord of the Rings actors in age order

Some of the many Lord of the Rings actors, in order of age at the start of filming (11 Oct 1999).

Filming went on until 22 Dec 2000, plus some pick-up sessions in later years up to 2004.

I comment that Frodo was 33 when he inherited the Ring, and 50 when he left the Shire to start his travels. Although hobbits live a bit longer than humans, and the Ring tends to slow the aging process, it was still a rather bizarre decision to cast an 18-year-old actor to play the part.

Character Actor Birthday Age
Frodo Elijah Wood 1981-01-28 18
Arwen Liv Tyler 1977-07-01 22
Legolas Orlando Bloom 1977-01-13 22
Merry Dominic Monaghan 1976-12-08 22
Éomer Karl Urban 1972-06-07 27
Sam Sean Astin 1971-02-25 28
Galadriel Cate Blanchett 1969-05-15 30
Pippin Billy Boyd 1968-08-25 31
Éowyn Miranda Otto 1967-12-15 31
Celeborn Marton Csokas 1966-06-30 33
Faramir David Wenham 1965-09-21 34
Gollum Andy Serkis 1964-04-20 35
Elrond Hugo Weaving 1960-04-04 39
Boromir Sean Bean 1959-04-17 40
Aragorn Viggo Mortensen 1958-10-20 40
Wormtongue Brad Dourif 1950-03-18 49
Denethor John Noble 1948-08-20 51
Théoden Bernard Hill 1944-12-17 54
Gimli John Rhys-Davies 1944-04-05 55
Gandalf Ian McKellen 1939-05-25 60
Bilbo Ian Holm 1931-09-12 68
Saruman Christopher Lee 1922-05-27 77